1. Stacking :
Example, a. Yamaha --> because its product confidence when driving
b. Prudential --> because these services can help you if you get a problem
c. Xenia --> because these product confidence when driving
2. Repetition :
a. AQUA (mineral water) --> because this product is very beneficial for living
b. Indomie (instant noodle) --> an instant noodle product that has gone through a very hygienic production processes with international standards.
c. Kartu Perdana (SIM card) --> because the product should be able to convince consumers to use the SIM Card.
3. Slogan :
a. Indomie (instant noodle) --> This product has the slogan " Indomie SeleraKu". The purpose of the slogan is that although different generations but one taste.
b. Teh Botol Sosro --> This product has the slogan "Apapun Makanannya Enaknya Minum Teh botol Sosro"
c. Gudang garam filter --> This product has the slogan " Pria Punya Selera ". The purpose of the slogan is maybe just a man have a passion to try this cigarette.
4. Logo :
This logo is proprietary sim card XL.
This logo belongs to one of the television stations
This logo belongs to one electronics company in the world.
a. Sophie Marthin --> because these products can give a luxurious effect if we use
b. Nourish Skin --> as the use of this product we can be free of acne
6. Cause And Effect
a. cigarette --> if the product is displayed, it may be a lot of people who smoke. therefore any television advertising of tobacco companies do not show people who were smoking.
b. condom --> if the product is displayed, its impolite and bad example to the society
7. Emotional Appeal
a. Sariwangi Tea --> because it could melt the feel or it could be a warm feeling.
b. Cap lang eucalyptus oil --> because this advertiser exemplifies a mother's love to her child.
8. Sex Appeal
a. Soap "LUX" --> because this product can make we feels so fresh
b. perfumen --> because this product can make we feels so fresh
9. Price Appeal
a. Attack -->just by spending RP. 500,- you can get many dirty laundry cleaned up. Because you dont have to use much of the product to clean your dirty laundry. (The product has some kind of ‘extra cleaning power’ so you don’t have to use much of it, and you can save your money, your time plus you can also get your laundry cleaned up).
b. Asia travel ---> this advertisement offers a ‘special vacation packages’ for the costumer, so that with just a few thousand dollars cheaper than the real price, the costumers can get an extra destinations for their vacations, and a 5% cash awards.
10. Bandwagon
a. LG Cinema 3D, Smart TV ---> offering the nowdays technology and new features at LCD tv usch as: Comfortable 3D glasses, cinema screen design, 3D world app, magic motion remote,smart share plus and premium local content.Added a new design for new TV like slim and luxurious design.
b. Galaxy Tab---> it offers high technology like, fast internet access.have a good style and easy to carry for everyday life.
11. Confusion
a. Permint MINTZ --> because this product makes us confused with words, this pencil, this candy,
b. Magnum Gold ( ice cream ) --> because at the beginning of this ad makes confused, because it does not connect with this product
12. Technical Jargon
a. Pure It --> because these products using layman's terms
b. Oli TOP 1 --> because these products using layman's terms
13. Plain folks
a. Sun Co --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the oil can be taken such as drinking water
b. Sunsilk --> because the product tries to identify with common people
14. Testimonial
a. Cooking Oil ( SUNCO ) --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the oil can be taken such as drinking water
b. Pure It --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the water can be drinking
15. Transfer
a. Lifeboy Soap --> because the ads led to the idea beforehand rather than product
b. Dettol Soap --> because the ads led to the idea beforehand rather than product
16. Bribery
a. Sophie Marthin --> because if you buy this product can be a gift to the terms and conditions
b. Top Coffee --> because every coffee you buy 5 pieces bonus is you can 1 pack
17. Fact and Figure
a. Ellips (Hair Vitamin) --> because the product can make your hair look healthy in 4 weeks of use
b. Citra ( Hand n Body ) --> because the product can make your skin look healthy and whiteing in 6 weeks of use
18. Avantae Garae
a. HP MITO --> because this phone could be watch
b. Iklan mobil Listrik -->because advertising makes us feel much more advanced than the other
19. Patriotism
a. Tolak Angin --> because this product give the suggestion that purchasing
b. Indomie (Noodle) --> because this product give the suggestion that purchasing
20. Wit and Humour
a. Djarum 76 ---> there's a man get a refuse by a company that he applied because he cannot give a bribe and then he walked out and unrealize he stumble and the genie's out and asking 'what a man wants' the man said he want corruption,bribe are dissapear. and unpredictable the geni'e said 'wani piro?'.
b. Mie sedap: the advertisement give a humor and clever story,because there is a kids play a football and broke the windows and the owner asking who's did it.and the kids said "kita lagi latihan, tante"
and they laugh, sudden the madam feed them 'mie sedap'.
21. Magic Ingridients
a. Garnier ---> the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionaly effective
b. Ponds ---> the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionaly effective
22. Name calling
a. Aqua --> the ads shows the customer the quality of the product through the research of water source in mountains.because of the quantity of the product has been around for a long time, so the customer knows the quality of the product.
b. Hit --> the ads shows the compare with another brand which already known by people,because of the substances in that product have a good quality than the other so tht is favourable to the advertise.
23. Glittering generality
a. Pond’s age miracle -->: this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because this product give a viewer general feeling that if we use this product we can be looks ten years younger than our age.(not really be a younger than before,but looks younger).
b. Garnier whitening cream --> this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because in this advertise said that if we use this product , it could make our face looks more white than before.(not change your face skin colour if your original face skin colour isn’t white,but could make it looks more white).
24. Weasel words
a. Sozzis so nice --> This advertise is include the example of weasel words because this product uses a word that if you want to be a winner you must eat sozzis,but it isn’t make guarantee if you eat it you will be a winner,because, of course you have to study hard if you wanna be a winner,not just with eat the sozzis.
b. Garnier whitening cream --> This advertise is include the example of weasel
c. Xenia --> because these product confidence when driving
2. Repetition :
a. AQUA (mineral water) --> because this product is very beneficial for living
b. Indomie (instant noodle) --> an instant noodle product that has gone through a very hygienic production processes with international standards.
c. Kartu Perdana (SIM card) --> because the product should be able to convince consumers to use the SIM Card.
3. Slogan :
a. Indomie (instant noodle) --> This product has the slogan " Indomie SeleraKu". The purpose of the slogan is that although different generations but one taste.
b. Teh Botol Sosro --> This product has the slogan "Apapun Makanannya Enaknya Minum Teh botol Sosro"
c. Gudang garam filter --> This product has the slogan " Pria Punya Selera ". The purpose of the slogan is maybe just a man have a passion to try this cigarette.
4. Logo :
a. Sophie Marthin --> because these products can give a luxurious effect if we use
b. Nourish Skin --> as the use of this product we can be free of acne
6. Cause And Effect
a. cigarette --> if the product is displayed, it may be a lot of people who smoke. therefore any television advertising of tobacco companies do not show people who were smoking.
b. condom --> if the product is displayed, its impolite and bad example to the society
7. Emotional Appeal
a. Sariwangi Tea --> because it could melt the feel or it could be a warm feeling.
b. Cap lang eucalyptus oil --> because this advertiser exemplifies a mother's love to her child.
8. Sex Appeal
a. Soap "LUX" --> because this product can make we feels so fresh
b. perfumen --> because this product can make we feels so fresh
9. Price Appeal
a. Attack -->just by spending RP. 500,- you can get many dirty laundry cleaned up. Because you dont have to use much of the product to clean your dirty laundry. (The product has some kind of ‘extra cleaning power’ so you don’t have to use much of it, and you can save your money, your time plus you can also get your laundry cleaned up).
b. Asia travel ---> this advertisement offers a ‘special vacation packages’ for the costumer, so that with just a few thousand dollars cheaper than the real price, the costumers can get an extra destinations for their vacations, and a 5% cash awards.
10. Bandwagon
a. LG Cinema 3D, Smart TV ---> offering the nowdays technology and new features at LCD tv usch as: Comfortable 3D glasses, cinema screen design, 3D world app, magic motion remote,smart share plus and premium local content.Added a new design for new TV like slim and luxurious design.
b. Galaxy Tab---> it offers high technology like, fast internet access.have a good style and easy to carry for everyday life.
11. Confusion
a. Permint MINTZ --> because this product makes us confused with words, this pencil, this candy,
b. Magnum Gold ( ice cream ) --> because at the beginning of this ad makes confused, because it does not connect with this product
12. Technical Jargon
a. Pure It --> because these products using layman's terms
b. Oli TOP 1 --> because these products using layman's terms
13. Plain folks
a. Sun Co --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the oil can be taken such as drinking water
b. Sunsilk --> because the product tries to identify with common people
14. Testimonial
a. Cooking Oil ( SUNCO ) --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the oil can be taken such as drinking water
b. Pure It --> because this product has been proven by researchers that the water can be drinking
15. Transfer
a. Lifeboy Soap --> because the ads led to the idea beforehand rather than product
b. Dettol Soap --> because the ads led to the idea beforehand rather than product
16. Bribery
a. Sophie Marthin --> because if you buy this product can be a gift to the terms and conditions
b. Top Coffee --> because every coffee you buy 5 pieces bonus is you can 1 pack
17. Fact and Figure
a. Ellips (Hair Vitamin) --> because the product can make your hair look healthy in 4 weeks of use
b. Citra ( Hand n Body ) --> because the product can make your skin look healthy and whiteing in 6 weeks of use
18. Avantae Garae
a. HP MITO --> because this phone could be watch
b. Iklan mobil Listrik -->because advertising makes us feel much more advanced than the other
19. Patriotism
a. Tolak Angin --> because this product give the suggestion that purchasing
b. Indomie (Noodle) --> because this product give the suggestion that purchasing
20. Wit and Humour
a. Djarum 76 ---> there's a man get a refuse by a company that he applied because he cannot give a bribe and then he walked out and unrealize he stumble and the genie's out and asking 'what a man wants' the man said he want corruption,bribe are dissapear. and unpredictable the geni'e said 'wani piro?'.
b. Mie sedap: the advertisement give a humor and clever story,because there is a kids play a football and broke the windows and the owner asking who's did it.and the kids said "kita lagi latihan, tante"
and they laugh, sudden the madam feed them 'mie sedap'.
21. Magic Ingridients
a. Garnier ---> the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionaly effective
b. Ponds ---> the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionaly effective
22. Name calling
a. Aqua --> the ads shows the customer the quality of the product through the research of water source in mountains.because of the quantity of the product has been around for a long time, so the customer knows the quality of the product.
b. Hit --> the ads shows the compare with another brand which already known by people,because of the substances in that product have a good quality than the other so tht is favourable to the advertise.
23. Glittering generality
a. Pond’s age miracle -->: this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because this product give a viewer general feeling that if we use this product we can be looks ten years younger than our age.(not really be a younger than before,but looks younger).
b. Garnier whitening cream --> this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because in this advertise said that if we use this product , it could make our face looks more white than before.(not change your face skin colour if your original face skin colour isn’t white,but could make it looks more white).
24. Weasel words
a. Sozzis so nice --> This advertise is include the example of weasel words because this product uses a word that if you want to be a winner you must eat sozzis,but it isn’t make guarantee if you eat it you will be a winner,because, of course you have to study hard if you wanna be a winner,not just with eat the sozzis.
b. Garnier whitening cream --> This advertise is include the example of weasel
Words because this product uses words that if you want your face skin colour
Looks more white you must use garnier,although it isn’t make a guarantee
If you use this product your skin would be white because all depend on your
Original skin colour.(such as papua people,if they use this product,it couldn’t
Make their skin colour be white,because their original skin is dark).
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